30 years designing for you

Wilson Design Associates are a full service graphic design agency based in Chichester, West Sussex.

Producing marketing material that works for YOU is what we do here at Wilson Design.

Chichester graphic & website design agency

  • We start with the 3 Ms – Market, Message, Media
  • We then use the 3 Cs – Concept, Create, Communicate

Steve and the team work with you to produce marketing material that delivers results time after time.

Our experience ranges from very large national organisations, right through to solopreneurs. No matter what your size, or your sector, we will be able to help you produce effective marketing.

Everything from Brand development, business cards, brochures, leaflets, signage and vehicle liveries through to graphics for social media posts and custom built websites.

We like to think our work speaks for us, but more importantly we KNOW it speaks for YOU.

Latest from the design blog

I have worked with Steve at Wilson Design for over 15 years. During this time Steve has provided design work for the business which has enabled us to professionally present ourselves. Steve is always responsive and produces innovative, eye catching material delivered quickly and at a competitive price. There have been times (quite a few) when we have worked to incredibly tight deadlines and Steve has never let us down. The most important thing for me in a business relationship is trust and respect and we have been very lucky to have had both with Steve. I would have no hesitation in recommending Wilson Design.

Carol, Serco Local Government
  • Kew Royal Botanic Gardens
  • Serco
  • BP
  • Chichester City Centre Partnership
  • Chichester Print
  • Marber
  • Steam Heritage
  • Fall-Line Skiing